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Welcome to
11th edition Sept. 28 - Oct. 2

From Sept. 28th to Oct. 2 the Blues once again sounds all over the city.
This is our 11th season, and we invite all blues fans to visit the city's clubs and
venues for 5 days of world class international and homegrown blues blues.

The festial's musical ambition is to find a good balance between the traditional
and the new expressions of the Blues, and to cover all style variations in the
best possible way. As always you'll find seasoned blues veterans alongside
the up-and-coming younger talents, who'll carry the torch into the future.


John Primer This year's festival programme offers 55 concerts at 20 venues around town.
Most of our international acts are to be found downtown at the central venues
Mojo and Huset, and the time schedule for each night offers fine opportunities
to attend two exiting acts, or more, if you count the afternoon shows as well.

See full programme under Programme in the top left menu or cllick the picture
of the printed catalogue to the right. View or download the catalogue (in Danish)
at the Programme page, where you can also find articles and photos for each
concert and artist - just click the concert name in the programme.
Note: several concerts have direct links to on-line purchase of tickets.

The festival opens with a real scoop - John Primer from Chicago.
John Primer is 'the real deal', when it comes to Chicago blues.
He last visited Copenhagen 28 years ago, as guitarist in Muddy
Waters' band. For this rare visit to our part of the world John Primer
is backed by top Chicago style Nisse Thorbjorn Band.

Joe Louis Walker Joe Louis Walker from San Fransisco plays his super funky blues at the Library,
the newest venue of the city, and at Huset there'll be a warm reunion between
Janice Harrington and Kenn Lending Blues Band.

The festivalen looks forward to present Johnny Max Band fra Canada on
their first visit to Scandinavia. We are also pleased to announce the return
of Mud Morganfield, also this time backed by Peter Nande Band.
This concert ie sponsored by the musicians union, DMF, in connection
with DMF's 100th anniversary - we congratulate DMF on the 100 !

Mojo Blues Bar, as usual, has a strong festival programme:
Troels Jensen & The Healers, Louisiana Red & Paul Lamb,
Thorbjorn Risager Band, Alain Apaloo & Esben Just,
Reverend Shine Snake Oil co., Keith Dunn Band and more.

The city is crawling with blues in all forms, shapes and sizes, from duos like
Ole Frimer & Olav Poulsen, Mike Andersen & Jens Kristian Dam, to trios like
H.P.Lange & Delta Connection, L.P. Simonsen & Groovemasters, to combos
like Tutweiler, Shades of Blue, Delta Blues Band and many more.

A couple of special events:the Saturday Band Battle at Metronomen, Frederiksberg, with
The Fried Okra and The Blues Overdrive, which they call "Blues - and you name it !"

Saturday Prismen takes part for the first time, and offers a Brunch & Blues function with
nice eat and drink, the blues music delivered by Swedish roots duo Grahn & Malm.

Blues Award

Årets Bluespris
The festival's annual Blues Award ceremony takes place on Friday night,
at Husets Café, just before the concert wirh Canadian Johnny Max Band
Come and see for yourself, who is "Danish Blues Act 2011"
Find more about the award in the menu top left.

Afternoon blues

Janice Harrington The festival’s collaboration with Roedovre Centrum
continues, this year with 9 short, afternoon blues
concerts at the main stage, the 'Festplads'
- admittance is free.

Among the great acts this year is: John Primer &
Nisse Thorbjorn Band, Jan Harrington & Kenn Lending,
Mud Morganfield & Peter Nande Band and more.

Most acts can also be heard at night at the venues
around town during the festival week. We encourage
the afternoon crowds to come out and get some more.

Gospel concert

The Holmes Brothers As a tradition, on the last day of the festival, we invite to a Gospel concert.
It is Sunday at 3.30 PM at at Christian's Church. Doors openat 3 PM

We are proud to present The Holmes Brothers from New York.
This trio is an icon of American roots, blues and gospel musik.

Bring your family for this event !

Note ! Buy tickets for the gospel concert at:
på Billetto.dk - or at the entrance from 3 PM.

Another Sunday church event is the Blues sermon at Grundtvig Church on the theme
'When the Blues came to town', ending with a blueskoncert with Nisse Thorbjorn Band

As always, the blues fest closes with the traditional acoustic Roots'n'Blues Jam at Mojo.

Enjoy the festival !
Arne Jaegergaard

The Festival board wishes to thank all,
who contributes in making this festival possible.
Thanks to our sponsors and partners,
to our many venues around town,
and to members, co-workers and volunteers. and not least to all the great musicians !

Radio Blues Time

Hear news about the festival on Radio Blues Time and on Radio Jazz in September


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