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The association behind ’Copenhagen Blues Festival’ was founded in 2000 in order to:
widen the knowledge of, and to promote the interest in the blues and related genres in the Copenhagen region.
In short - the purpose is to put as much spot light as possible on blues music and the local Copenhagen blues scene.

Since 2001 the association has arranged an annual 5-days Blues Festival in late September.
The annual festival presents about 60 concerts with international, Scandinavian and Danish
blues artists.
The festival works in closely with clubs and venues all over town, and the club-based concept
ensures an optimal number of concerts, as well as a great variation in styles, and a high level
of musical and artistic quality.

Anyone with an interest in the associations work can become a member, and presently the
members represent musicians, club- and venue people as well as the blues audience.
As a member one has direct influence on the association's activities at the general assembley.

For more information on membership, see the Danish section, or send us an e-mail. info@copenhagenbluesfestival.dk

See the regulations(in Danish only)

The present Board of Copenhagen Blues Festival

Arne Jaegergaard - Chairman
Jacob Kragh - Vice chairman
Martin Valloe Andersen - Treasurer
Niels With-Sseidelin
Lars Henrik Christensen



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