16th edition Sept. 28th - Oct. 2nd 2016
It's Autumn, and once again, it’s time for "Blue Copenhagen".
From Wednesday Sept. 28th for 5 days the Blues will sound all over the city, and we invite
all blues fans to visit the city's many clubs and venues for a week of world class international
blues, and some very good homegrown blues.
Our musical ambition is to cover all blues style variations in the best possible way, and to present The Blues
in a fine balance between tradition and new expressions. So, as always, you'll find seasoned blues
veterans performing alongside some very talented young artists, who’ll carry the torch into the future.
See the programme plan in the Menu, top left - click each concert for info about bands,
venues, prices and on-line ticket sale.
See the printed festival catalogue - in Danish only - click top right picture.
See videoes below with some of the festivals international acts.
Before the official opening we show a music film Tuesday the 27th at Cinemateket. Chuck Berry will be 90 years old in October, and we want to pay tribute to a
great blues and rock’n’roll musician, who, along with contemporary artists like Ray
Charles, Sam Cooke, Fats Domino, Elvis Presley etc., have left a significant musical
heritage, that still inspires and influences today’s artists, also many of this festival’s bands.
The film, "Hail! Hail! Rock'n'Roll" from 1986 is a concert documentary with
some the greatest stars of the time, who play Chuck Berry’s music and tell about
his life and his impact on the music scene.
A rare chance to see this great icon and to hear some awesome music from back then.
Again this year the festival presents the two Danish Blues Awards: "Blues Artists of the Year" and "Blues Album of the Year"
The 5 nominated albums for "Blues Album of the Year",
Danish Music Award - Blues, are: Big Creek Slim: Keep My Belly Full
The Cornfeds: The Cornfeds
Ole Frimer Band: Live at Blues Baltica
H.P. Lange: Travelling Man Blues
Tim Lothar & Holger HoBo Daub: Blues From The North
After the award ceremony the evening continues with a great After Party
show with Smalltown Blues Band and several special guests, among
others the new award recipiants and a few previously awarded artists.
The event takes place at Amager Bio on the opening night
on Wednesday Sept. 28th at 8 pm.
NB. Even Sunday night has it’s own music award, when Amager Bio presents
the ”Gudman of the Year” award, this time to the late, world famous bass player
Hugo Rasmussen, who died last year 74 years old.
Among the international artists this year one must se:
Thursday, double concert with Toronzo Cannon and
his tight blues band from Chicago
and Chris Thomas King - solo - from New Orleans,
he’s the one from the movie “Oh Brother Where Art Thou”.
Friday, Damon Fowler from Florida, one of the best lap-steel
guitarists today, supported by Danish The Blues Overdrive.
Saturday, Earl Thomas, soul-blues star from San Diego,
touring with his new band and his new, strong CD, “Crow”.
Also this evening Chis Thomas King performs a solo
concert, if you missed the one on Thursday.
All of the above at Bartof Station, Frederiksberg.
As a special treat, Amager Bio presents Steve Gadd Band,
for fans of more jazzy, cross-over music.
As usual, the city is crawling with Danish blues of all styles, forms, shapes and sizes: Delta Blues Band, Smalltown Blues Band, Thorbjoern Risager & The Black Tornado,
Billy Cross, Ole Frimer Band, The Blues Overdrive, Jake Green Band, The Mojo Makers.
A few new constellations see the light of day, Esben Just Trio featuring Poul Halberg,
Rasmus Dissing, H.P. Lange & Nisse Thorbjoern, Robert Johnson Tribute and Blues.
Jamboree and others
The programme also has very strong female representation with Miriam Mandipira,
Lea Thorlann, Girls Club with Sahra da Silva, Louise Høegh and Sara Broberg, and
from London, Samantha Antoinette, who appears with several exiting line-ups.
The ’special events’ are kind of missing this year, but as always Mojo has their
blues jam Thursday night, and Friday you can get out and ‘shake your bootie’,
when Blues Dancing CPH has blues dance instruction and blues party at Prismen.
Sunday afternoon Grundtvig Church holds Blues Sermon, followed by a concert
with Miriam Mandipira and Kjeld Lauritsen’s Trio.
Canal Tours has ended their season, so none of that this year.
But then, there’s a lot of other good stuff to fill your week, right !
'Blue Copenhagen' is usually blessed with a beautiful 'Indian Summer' weather.
We hope, that the Global climate changes leave us alone again this year, so
people can enjoy their walks to and from the many venues and great musical
experiences that await them.
We wish everyone
a great Blues Festival !
See you there.
Enjoy the Blues !
Arne Jaegergaard Chairman
The Festival board wishes to thank all,
who contributes in making this festival possible.
Thanks to our sponsors and partners,
to our many venues around town,
and to members, co-workers and volunteers
and not least to all the great musicians !
Listen on net radio in September about the festival:
Radio Jazz:
Mondays Sept. 19th and 26th at 6 pm.
Radio Blues Time:
Tuesdays sept. 20th and Oct. 4th at 20 pm.
Copy links to your browser and listen.